How do I make this Soundeffect?

There’s this game on roblox called NSA (No-Scope Arcade) that has this specific effect that I’m looking for but I have no idea how to achieve it.

Here’s a video:

In this video, you hear the song fading away along with some sort of effect when the music stops, I don’t know if this is a SoundEffect instance or not but it’ll be awesome if someone could help me achieve this.


When the music stops, yes it is a sound effect. And u could tween fading on music just by tweening the volume to 0

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what’s the sound effect called?

They probally grabbed it from somewhere or maybe it’s even their own soundeffect, so no clue

Is there a name for this effect at all? I’ve seen it done before on different games but I have no idea what it’s called

Try searching “menu pop-up sfx” and you should get some results similar to it

This is called the Tape Stop Effect. When the player dies, have a function be called that slowes down the sound (reduce the PlaybackSpeed), but raises the pitch (raise the ‘Octave’ value of the PitchShiftSoundEffect instance).

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