This is because you don’t Have any Debounces . As explained above in the docs, Debounces are a “pattern in a coding technique that prevents a function from running too many times or an input from triggering multiple times”. The .Touched event fires every time it is tounched, so whenever a player moves on top of that part, it is fired again and again.
You need to add a true or false, or make a player list and check if the player is already in this list. Something like this might work. Here is a example of true and false debounces:
--Other code here
local db = false
if db == true then return end
db = true
local dmgamount = 7.5
local hitboxevent = game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.HitBoxEvent
local character = hit.Parent
local hithumanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if hithumanoid then
hitboxevent:Fire(dmgamount, hithumanoid)
task.wait(0.5) -- Wait 0.5 so it doesn't fire again in 0.5 seconds. Change this to what you like if you need longer or shorter times for damage
db = false
--rest of code here