[UNSOLVED] Rotating ViewportCameras

Hello, I am working on a vehicle spawner that displays a vehicle in a ViewportFrame and rotates a ViewportCamera around the vehicle to display all sides. The code does not have any errors, yet performs the action below. Would appreciate any help!

Expected behavior:
The vehicle spins 360 degrees continuously while maintaining a fixed Y position.

Current behavior:


connection = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
		if buttonCurrent ~= currentButton then
		local currentTime = tick()
		local angle = currentTime * 1

		local radius = 10
		local offsetX = radius * math.sin(angle)
		local offsetY = radius * math.cos(angle)

		local targetPosition = primaryPart.Position
		local cameraPosition = targetPosition + Vector3.new(offsetX, offsetY, radius)
		viewportCamera.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(cameraPosition, targetPosition)

You are setting the Y offset to rotate as well changing this should fix it

connection = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
		if buttonCurrent ~= currentButton then
		local currentTime = tick()
		local angle = currentTime * 1

		local radius = 10
		local offsetX = radius * math.sin(angle)
		local offsetY = radius

		local targetPosition = primaryPart.Position
		local cameraPosition = targetPosition + Vector3.new(offsetX, offsetY, radius)
		viewportCamera.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(cameraPosition, targetPosition)

This performed this: https://i.gyazo.com/2aba40480d60eec88d4d6c7821f960ba.mp4

Thanks for the effort