The Client is invoking server:
local broken = RS.Functions.BrokenCar:InvokeServer(OldCarSpeed)
print("Apos broken")
in the server script:
local tabela_retorno = {Car, dano_veiculo_temp}
print(tabela_retorno) -- here is printing the table correctly
return tabela_retorno
the output in the client is:
Apos broken
what is the correct method to return a table?
Add following changes to your serverside script:
local brokenTable = {}
table.insert(borkenTable, Car)
table.insert(brokenTable, dano_veiculo_temp)
return brokenTable
I’m not sure though what the variable “Car” and what the variable “dano_veiculo_temp” is.
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Did’nt work.
The line of InvokerServer in local script is inside Run Service, this is a problem?
the server script was inside a PCall function, that was the problem!
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