Is there any to render frames faster?

So i have this

It’s a ball with lot of frames but the problem is it’s changing frames too slow for me here’s the script i use

local Slashs = ball.Frames;local p = nil
		for i = 1,#Slashs:GetChildren(),1 do
			if i == 1 then
				Slashs["F"..i].Transparency = 0
				local ii = i - 1

				Slashs["F"..ii].Transparency = 1
				Slashs["F"..i].Transparency = 0
				p = i
			game["Run Service"].RenderStepped:Wait()
		Slashs["F"..p].Transparency = 1

is there any way to change the frames faster than this?

From my knowledge, you can’t, it strongly depends on device performance

So, no way to make it faster you think?

Yup, I don’t think theres a way to do it