How to use ArcHandles

I’m currently trying to figure out how ArcHandles work as this is my first time using them.

I’ve tried using

local arcHandles = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Part"):WaitForChild("ArcHandles")


And running it as a LocalScript inside of StarterGui
(Also tried using Handles with the code, but that didn’t work with that either.)

I’ve tried looking for other blogs about similar issues but haven’t found anything useful and there aren’t any YouTube tutorials about ArcHandles.

Not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if its a Roblox Studio problem.

ArcHandles are only interactive when they are parented to the Player’s PlayerGui or, if you are using them for plugins, the CoreGui. Set the Adornee to the Part and parent the ArcHandles to either of the previously mentioned containers and it will have the same effect and be interactive.

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