Infinite yield possible on 'Workspace:WaitForChild("Checkpoint16")

So, whenever I test my Obby game, I get this error Infinite yield possible on 'Workspace:WaitForChild(“Checkpoint16”)

I know this means that it’s checking for something that doesn’t exist yet, but how is this possible?
I can see the Checkpoint16 in the game, but it doesn’t exist in the workspace. How is this possible?


Try adding task.wait(5) at the start of the script


Edit: No, it doesn’t work.

Now I got this error Infinite yield possible on 'Workspace:WaitForChild(“Checkpoint1”)

Like whenever I test my game, I get the same error with a different checkpoint


Does the game have streaming turned on?

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Yes it does. Should I turn it off?

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I think you’re getting that warning because the checkpoints are streamed out, turning off streaming should fix it.

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I’ll try this solution out. Thanks!

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Edit: It’s 99.9% fixed.

It says Infinite yield possible on ‘Workspace:WaitForChild(“checkpoint80”)’

tho I can see checkpoint80 in the workspace. Is it still fixed ?

If you check in the workspace while playing do you see checkpoint80? also does the rest of the code run?

Yes, the rest of the code runs. I reached to checkpoint1 and it became " Stage 1/250 ". I reached checkpoint2 and it became " Stage 2/250 ". So yea, the rest of the code runs.

And yea I can see checkpoint80 while playing.

It should be fine then


I realized why it gave me this error. It’s because I spelled the name wrong. I wrote" Checkpoint" with a small c instead of a capital c. So yeah, I just fixed it and tested it, and I no longer receive any errors. I’ve been searching for a solution for like a week. Thanks so much, man!


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