Roblox System Messages

How do I send system messages with the new chat? I want to have multiple that it chooses between every 5 minutes, with a color of choice.


This should help: TextChatService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

And this is a basic code block to help:

-- services
local textChatService: TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")

-- variables
local textChannels: Folder = textChatService:WaitForChild("TextChannels", 100) :: Folder
local generalChannel: TextChannel = textChannels:WaitForChild("RBXGeneral", 100) :: TextChannel

local chatMessages: any = {

-- functions
while (true :: boolean) do
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Not a scripter, how do I change the color?

This post should help: How do I change System Text's Color on the new TextChatService? - #3 by be_nj ( Reply back if you’re still confused )

Where would I put it?

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Okay, I don’t normally give out code because I think people should learn for themselves, however this is quite simple:

-- services
local textChatService: TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")

-- variables
local textChannels: Folder = textChatService:WaitForChild("TextChannels", 100) :: Folder
local systemChannel: TextChannel = textChannels:WaitForChild("RBXSystem", 100) :: TextChannel

local chatMessages: any = {
		Text = "This is a test!",
		Color = Color3.fromRGB(49, 173, 255),
		Text = "This is another test!",
		Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 85, 79),

local timePerMessage: number = 60 * 5

-- functions
while (true :: boolean) do
	-- select a random message data
	local randomMessageData: any = chatMessages[math.random(#chatMessages)]
	-- using math.floor so no floats ruin the message.
	local r: number = math.floor(randomMessageData.Color.R * 255)
	local g: number = math.floor(randomMessageData.Color.G * 255)
	local b: number = math.floor(randomMessageData.Color.B * 255)
	-- combine the final string together
	local randomMessage = "<font color='rgb(" .. r .. "," .. g .. "," .. b .. ")'>" .. randomMessageData.Text .. "</font>"
	-- display the message in chat
	-- wait until the next message ...

Place this into a LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts. You can change/add/remove messages from the chatMessages table seen on line 8.

In the chatMessages table, just copy and paste one of the already added tables; then change the text and color to what you desire.

Reply if something doesn’t work.

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