How to use moon animation with human and objects

I have a such animation:

And how to cast this animation on a player. I have no idea about this and I didn’t find solutions in the devforum.


You will need to export the animation through Moon Animator, publish the animation to Roblox, and save the animation’s Id. Afterwards you can find everything here I believe.

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I exported the anim through the “export rigs” button then saved to roblox and copied the id; Then, I created Animation object and pasted the id.
I used such code

local weight_push = game.ReplicatedStorage.train.wpushs -- objects of class Animation
local weight_push = player.Character:WaitForChild('Humanoid'):LoadAnimation(weight_push) -- Loading the obkect to humanoid

wait(17) -- wait for joining
print('plaaa') -- play identifier
weight_push:Play() -- Play anim track

The animation played, but the object that was in the video didn’t animate.

Is the part attached to the player with a Motor6D?

If the part by default is not attached to the player, make a new part(weight) and position it same as start position when animated and then make a Motor6D weld(same variables as the one in animation)[like torso to part, etc].

Then load the animation with:

local weight_pushAnim = player.Character:WaitForChild('Humanoid').Animator:LoadAnimation(weight_push)
weight_pushAnim.Ended:Wait() -- or use, weight_pushAnim.Ended:Connect(function() print("done") end)

After animation is played(or canceled) delete(Destroy()) the part.

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If it’s nothing to do above, then check the parts properties. If all checks out then it may be do to size, not sure why but if your character don’t have a HRP or there is another part in the character bigger than the HRP, the part won’t move. I have no clue to why Moon Animator 2 has this issue/thing.

So when animating with parts in char, or just Objects; make sure the HRM is the biggest. Or maybe it just has to be in the HRM to animate. Anyways, I hope these Solutions help if not, then I’ll try to do more research on it. :grin:

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Ok, I tried a Motor6D to animate, but the object just welded to the player:

The object can’t be animated.