How to disable Proximity Prompt visability locally (for a dialogue mechanic)?


So I have a Dialogue that shows after you interact with Proximity Prompt:

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") 

local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent

	script.Parent.ClickablePrompt = false
	local turtle = script.Parent.DialogueGui -- that dialogue
	turtle.Parent = player.PlayerGui

And I want to make it (the proximity prompt) invisible/uninteractable to the player who already used it, but others still can interact with it

I’m not entirely sure how to do that, since I don’t know how you can disable it locally in the first place, so if there’s any solutions - thanks in advance!

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Use a remote event to tell the client to disable their proximity prompt, and add server side validation to make sure they can’t press it again.

  1. Change your server script to this:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local HideDialoguePrompt = ReplicatedStorage.HideDialoguePrompt
local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent

local hasInteracted = {}

	if hasInteracted[player] then
	hasInteracted[player] = true
	local turtle = ProximityPrompt.DialogueGui:Clone()
	turtle.Parent = player.PlayerGui
  1. Make a RemoteEvent called HideDialogue:

  2. Make a LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts, and paste this inside:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local HideDialoguePrompt = ReplicatedStorage.HideDialoguePrompt
local ProximityPrompt = workspace.ProximityPrompt --//Reference your proximity prompt

	ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false

Hm… it seems that it still doesn’t work…

Here’s what I have to make sure I did everything right:
The location of a script (from the step 1) with basically copy and pasted code
Name and location of an Event

And, well, the local script (also basically copied and pasted but with locations changed properly):

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No errors? Also, you should be using .Triggered instead of .TriggerEnded.

well, I did add “Print” statements to a Local script, and it doesnt print stuff, so maybe the issue is the fact that it doesnt reach it somehow?

Also, I did change .TriggerEnded to .Triggered

I checked and I did refer to the Event everywhere correctly, so it is weird not gonna lie…

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