Is it possible to track returns from scripts?

Hello gentlemen, is it possible to “trace” a return from a script?
For example, a LocalScript that sends a return to a ServerScript, both obfuscated, is it possible to be able to trace any return coming from any of them through their remotes?

for the first argument when u fire the event write script

I believe what you are looking for is a Remote Function. Essentiallly, these do the exact same as a regular RemoteEvent, however it allows for the server/client to return a certain piece of information.

Here is a really basic example:
Server Script

game.ReplicatedStorage.CreatePartFunction.OnServerInvoke = function(position)
    local part ="Part")
    part.Name = "NewPart"
    part.Parent = game.Workspace
    part.Position = position
    return part


local newPart = game.ReplicatedStorage.CreatePartFunction:InvokeServer(position)
-- This would print "NewPart"