Hello i’ve been having this problem with my body velocity script for a bullet. whenever i fire the bullet instead of going where i aim it, it slowly goes up at a velocity of (0,2,0) for some reason? any idea why this would be happening? heres the code. VVV
ReplicatedStorage.RemtoteEvents.LucioFire.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, mouse)
--local Bullet = ReplicatedStorage.Objects.Bullet:Clone()
local BulletCore = ReplicatedStorage.Objects.Outer:Clone()
BulletCore.Parent = game.Workspace.Instanced
BulletCore.Position = player.Character.Torso.Position
local BodyVel = Instance.new("BodyVelocity",BulletCore)
BulletCore.Velocity = mouse.LookVector * 100