Proximity prompt will not connect a function

So I have this dude, like a shopkeeper, and inside his model is a proximity prompt. But when I trigger it, my script does not work, nor does it give me errors or whatever I asked it to print. Looks fine to me. What is wrong? Thank you.

local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent
local GUI = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local ShopGui = GUI.ShopGui.MainFrame
local DB = false

function Triggered()
	if not DB then
		DB = true	
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
		ShopGui.Visible = true

		DB = false

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I know the problem I have come across this alot when I was starting out. You are saying Starter Gui But it actually gets copied to the players gui so instead of saying ā€œstarterguiā€ you have to get the player and access their player gui.

changed it to the player gui, still nothing.

local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent
local GUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
local ShopGui = GUI.ShopGui.MainFrame
local DB = false

function Triggered()
	if not DB then
		DB = true	
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
		ShopGui.Visible = true

		DB = false


Try this:

local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent

local DB = false

	local GUI = player.PlayerGUI
	local ShopGui = GUI.ShopGui.MainFrame
	if not DB then
		DB = true	
		ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
		ShopGui.Visible = true
		DB = false

also I may be busy in a little so I may not respond

Still not working, very weird. Donā€™t respond if your busy btw, this can wait.

Are you doing this on a local script? try it on a normal script.
Also Iā€™m not busy thought I might have been but iā€™m good for now.

I figured out the problems.

  1. Iā€™m dumb and put PlayerGUI its PlayerGui
  2. I just tested this and it does not work in a local script you have to use a server script
    side note: if you want to make it so that the gui says things then you can use a remote event to connect when they trigger the proximity prompt to your local script inside of your screen gui to change the text. it may sound like alot of work but its really easy.

Hope This Solved Your Problem!

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