AssetService CreatePlaceAsync still doesn't work

Lately I have been making a horror game and I need the player or players to be teleported to the main game. But when I experimented a little bit with AssetService, CreatePlaceAsync does not work and it just returns an HTTP 500 error. I was wondering if there is an alternative to that method and how some games like Trespassing or The Mimic do not get that error. I am aware of that bug report that was done by someone and a Roblox Staff said that they would investigate but that was almost a year ago. I searched most of the devforum and nobody is talking about it. I might be wrong though.

Try restarting studio and try again. If that doesn’t work try logging out and logging back in (on studio) or restarting your machine. From what I’ve read, 500 seems to be an internal server error that indicates that you may not have necessarily done something wrong, but is caused by a network problem.

the error was in-game. In studio I get a 403 error.

In that case, would you mind showing us your code that’s throwing the error? Also, did you enable Studio Access to API Services in your game settings?

This is just for a test and yes I have enabled API services and HTTP requests

local rp = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local tp = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local as = game:GetService("AssetService")

local tpEvent = rp.Teleport

tpEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, gameId, players)
	local success, placeIdToSend = pcall(function()
		return as:CreatePlaceAsync("Test", gameId, "Test")
	if not success then

I’m not very familiar with this API, so the only other thing I can think of is that maybe it’s not allowing it because you aren’t the game owner of the Id you specified? Beyond that, I’m not really sure what the problem could be.

I am the owner of that place. Do you know any possible solutions? I have been trying to figure this out since 2 months ago (I posted a topic and they said “I guess you cant use createplaceasync right now” and i will have to wait until it is fixed. But that error first happened almost a year ago and it was reported by someone to the Roblox Staff)