Check if everything in 1 table is in another table

Im trying to make it so I can compare if all the items from one table are in another, in no particular order.

local table1 = {item1, item2, item3}
local table2 = {item1, item2}
--These tables would be equal even though table1 has an extra item, because they both have all the items in table 2

local table1 = {item1, item2, item3}
local table2 = {item1, item4}
--these tables wouldnt be even because table 1 doesnt have everything in table 2

Ive seen multiple things on dev forum, but they’re all just at least 2 match or something. Ive tried making it but I dont think im good enough at coding to make it.

I made function that allows you to get matched values

heres the code:

local T1 = {"Apple","Car","Sowrd","Roblox"}
local T2 = {"Roblox","Car","Plane","Tower"}

function gmatch_table(table1,table2)
	local Matched = {} -- goal: {"Roblox","Car"}
	local PriorityTable 
	local MatchingTable
	if #table1 < #table2 then -- i use this method becuase it's the only one i can think of atm :)
		PriorityTable = table1
		MatchingTable = table2
		PriorityTable = table2
		MatchingTable = table1
	for i,TableValue1 in pairs(PriorityTable) do
		for i,TableValue2 in pairs(MatchingTable) do
			if TableValue1 == TableValue2 then
	return Matched



You can get only one value instead of nested tables by changing this:



local function equal(t1: {}, t2: {}): boolean
	for _, v in pairs(t2) do
		if not table.find(t1, v) then return false end
	return true

local function equalNoOrder(t1: {}, t2: {}): boolean
	return equal(t1, t2) or equal(t2, t1)
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This is the output for Matched that I got, Im not sure what the problem is. There is multiple of the same value in Table 1, Hopefully this doesnt matter as it kind of matters in my code.

This should be exactly if you want, if Table1 has the items in Table2, then its matching. If Table 1 has the same items as Table2, but table 1 has an extra item, then its still matching because it has the items in the table 2 at least. If Table 2 has a value that table 1 doesn’t, then its not matching.

Table 1 has item1, item2, item3, item4
Table 2 has item1, item2, item3

They still match because Table 1 has all of the items in table 2. But if table 1 didnt have item 3, and it just had 1, 2, 4, it doesnt match because it doesnt have the 3.


local table1 = {"A", "B", "C", "D"} --table 1 is equal to table 2 because it has A & B
local table2 = {"A", "B", "D"} 

local matching = {}

local equal = false --Sets false to begin.
for i, olditem in pairs(table1) do
	for i, item in pairs(table2) do
		if olditem == item then
			table.insert(matching, olditem)

if #matching == #table2 then
	equal = true
	print("Table 1 does match table 2.")
	equal = false --use the equal variable for what ever you want.
	print("Table 1 does not match table 2.")

I believe you are smart enough to understand what i said,

Like what i said
You can get only matched values as {"Roblox","Car"} by:


This sort of worked, I should’ve clarified before I posted that there might be multiple of the same value in both tables.

local table1 = {"A", "B", "C", "D"}
local table2 = {"A", "B", "D", "D"} 
--These would not be equal because table1 only has one 'D' while table 2 has 2.

local table1 = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "D", "D"}
local table2 = {"A", "B", "D", "D"} 
--These would be equal because table1 has at least as much as table2.

You can use the code provided by NyrionDev but edit it slightly:

local function equal(t1: {}, t2: {}): boolean
    local localTable = t1

	for _, v in pairs(t2) do
		if not table.find(localTable, v) then return false end
        table.remove(localTable, table.find(localTablel, v))
	return true

local function equalNoOrder(t1: {}, t2: {}): boolean
	return equal(t1, t2) or equal(t2, t1)

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