Stage Door Solution

So hi!

Is there any possible way of making stage doors open when a button is pressed just like in reality shows.
I tried this script but it is not working.

local rightDoor = game.Workspace.RightScrn
local leftDoor = game.Workspace.LeftScrn
local button = script.Parent -- Replace with the actual name of your button

local doorOpen = false
local doorMoveTime = 1  -- Adjust this time based on your animation speed

local doorStartPosition =, 0, 0)
local doorOpenPosition =, 0, 0)  -- Adjust the X value for a small open

local function toggleDoors()
	if doorOpen then
		rightDoor.Position = rightDoor.Position - doorOpenPosition
		leftDoor.Position = leftDoor.Position + doorOpenPosition
		doorOpen = false
		rightDoor.Position = rightDoor.Position + doorOpenPosition
		leftDoor.Position = leftDoor.Position - doorOpenPosition
		doorOpen = true


Im guessing you mean as in they slide off? Im not to sure what you mean by in reality shows but if you want them to slide off the stage instead of just disappearing, then you should use the TweenService.

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Yeah slide on their sides.

I hate the word limit

Yep use the tweenservice to tween their position.

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Door.rbxm (22.2 KB)

I don’t need a hinge door, I want a door that slides on both sides.

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