How to make a script

And so I have training areas in which you can train, I want to add a script when a local player gets up on the block, he starts auto-pumping, the distance of which is 25, and when he gets off the stove, he loses auto-pumping

Hey, could you please clarify what you are looking to do as I don’t really understand. Also, if you are looking for us to create your script for you, please refer to the Talent Hub for hiring.

A local player stands on part And he starts pumping and when he gets off, the auto-pumping stops



autopump("distance 25")

if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character Touching Stove then
Loses the auto pump

:speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :fire:

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So you want us to make it for you?

I have a script, but I didn’t write it correctly and deleted it last night, I didn’t write it work, today I want to write again and turned to you for help

I need a script for endurance leveling, have you played a super power fighting game simulator?

So you would like us to write your script for you?

Yes, then I’ll write it myself

The script I sent should work perfectly

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I need to put this script in the block itself, right?

Please refer to the Talent Hub. We cannot create the script for you, the devforum is for learning not hiring anymore.

I don’t hire, I just want to see how you write a script so that in the future I myself will learn how to write such scripts without errors

I’m new to scripting the nursery has mistakes, I’m sorry