Creating a hyperdrive gui

… i want it to be animated, so how do i do that?

Particles or just loaded images playing as an animation.


you need to upload several images, frame by frame preferable (you can do that with the asset manager, limit of 200 i think) and the local script should look something like this:

local ImageLabel = script.Parent
local Gifs = {"paste ids in order"}
local Delay = 0.1

while wait() do
		for _ , changeId in pairs(Gifs) do
			ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://".. changeId

There is another method, which use client(server can lag if you spawn to much thing at once)
Basically, spawn a punch of long part and rotate it so it align with the camera
Move the camera cframe to the end of the part / move the part cframe to camera

Save you a hustle of uploading ton of image and other


Scale it up if its an SVG to the middle could possibly work.

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nah you could use frames instead… but ii dont know how to align them like that

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whats an SVG? never heard of that

Could you please clarify what you mean by “Particles or just loaded images playing as an animation”? Are you referring to using particle effects or sequentially displaying loaded images to create an animated visual effect?

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  1. What do you mean by “Scale it up”? Are you referring to increasing the size or dimensions of something?
  2. What is meant by “if its an SVG”? Are you specifically referring to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format?
  3. What do you mean by “to the middle”? Are you suggesting aligning something in the center or middle of a frame or canvas?
  4. Could you please elaborate on what you mean by “could possibly work”? What outcome or result are you expecting or considering?
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Viewports, create a model with a RootPart and add the Particles in there.
Clone it in script and put it anywhere.
Use RunService to run the code repeatedly and set the pivot of the model using :PivotTo to the Camera CFrame.
That’s what i did with my rpg game.

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Try using trails. Just spawn a bunch of invisible parts in random places (you can add some bias to the lower and higher locations sorta like how the photo looks) with super long trails and see if it works.

You could create a bunch of frames from a point to a random point around the center, pretty straight forward (some trigonometry included). Then just move the point that’s further from the center towards the other point that’s closer to the center while redrawing the line between them. Fade the frame slowly so it goes from 0 to 1 while the point moves from it’s starting position to just before the other point. This should work. Could be a bit of a challenge so good luck.

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