How do I make a textlabel display the player's username?

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    A text label that displays the local player’s username (I basically want to put a text on a gravestone that displays the players username)

  2. What is the issue?
    I tried scripting it myself but I’m quite unexperienced so I couldn’t manage to, also the yt tutorials I watched were useless.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    There are some similar topics I found but none of them helped me really.

This is what I tried and also found on tutorials… I even dont know if Im atleast on the right path

local player = game.players.localplayer
text = script.parent
text.text =

Thanks for your help! Looking forward to your replies


If the script is inside of the TextLabel, then just;

script.Parent.Text = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name

If you want the DisplayName Simply change .Name to .DisplayName (refer to 1Luca)

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It seems like you’re on the right path, but there are some minor corrections to make in your code. LIke how getting the name of the Player would be with a capital P instead of a lowercase.

Here’s an example:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local textLabel = script.Parent -- Assuming the TextLabel is a child of the script

-- Set the Text property of the TextLabel to the player's username
textLabel.Text = player.Name

lua is case sensitive lua is case sensitive

As @Kokonamiii said use text.Text and use a local script if you don’t already

Well thats kinda what I tried and didnt work

I tried putting this script both in localscript and script but still doesnt work

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Yeah right but it’d be useless to change it to display name when I cant even get the players name on the text yet

Use a normal script, with RunContext set to client. That’s a property under the script.

have u tried printing the name in order to see where the problem is?

You are doing things right but there are some mistakes like:

game.players.localplayer should be game.Players.LocalPlayer with the correct capitalization and If you’re dealing with a TextLabel, then the Text property (with a capital T) should be used to change its displayed text.

  1. game.players.localplayer should be game.Players.LocalPlayer with the correct capitalization.
  2. If you’re dealing with a TextLabel, then the Text property (with a capital T) should be used to change its displayed text.
-- Assuming this is a LocalScript

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local localPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local textLabel = script.Parent

textLabel.Text = localPlayer.Name


Good stuff, but also here: Use a normal script, with RunContext set to client. That’s a property under the script.
The use-case here is for a gravestone, which is highly likely to be a descendant of the workspace. Normal local scripts don’t run there, but RunContext = Client ‘regular’ scripts do.


Can you perhaps screenshot the section of the Explorer where you’re doing this?

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Ur right it worked like that, thanks alot!


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