Varaible being reset after else statement - how to get around?

heres what i have

function ToolHandlerModule.PlayerParentHandler(Item, Player)
	if Item.Parent.Parent ~= game.Players then
		if Item.Parent.Parent.Parent == game.Players then
			Player = Item.Parent.Parent
			local ItemCosmetic = Item:FindFirstChild("CosmeticValue").Value
			SlingHandler.SlingItem(Player, ItemCosmetic, false)
			print(Player, "before")
			if not Item.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
				print(Player, "after")
				local ItemCosmeticUn = Item:FindFirstChild("CosmeticValue").Value
				SlingHandler.UnslingItem(Player, ItemCosmeticUn)

i want the player varaible from before the else statement to be saved so i can use it to send to a module but it gets reset, is there a way to get around this?

  15:21:18.171  aeroactual before  -  Server - ToolHandler:27
  15:21:20.103  nil after  -  Server - ToolHandler:32

looks like you aren’t always parsing the Player into the function. Maybe check the code that’s calling calling the function?

look at the parameters where you define the function, sounds like you’ve got duplicate variable names