Possible engine bug with UserInputService.InputBegan

Probably a bug with UserInputService.

UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, processed)
	print("input began")
	if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q then
		print("trying to roll")

When you press Q while you’re holding WASD or W+D or S+D, it works fine:

input began
trying to roll

But when you press Q while holding W+A or S+A, it completely fails to pick up the input. Not even “input began” is printed.

What in the world is happening here?

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i think its a keyboard problem (key rollover) for example this also happens when you hold all H,J,K try typing on notepad with W or A and you’d see it wont type Q too

yeah probably, i tested it on notepad and i can’t type Q if i hold A+D or W+S or W+A or S+A