I’m working on a knife throwing system (Player presses a button the knife will be thrown in front of the player)
The problem is when i throw the knife and rotate the character, the knife won’t be in front of the character
I’m looking for a way to fix this that’s why I’m asking that should i make it on client so it’ll be more accurate but I’m aware of the exploiters. (It’s currently server sided)
I’m using Animation Events to detect when the knife should appear
if its client sided it would only be visible to the player who summoned the knife. you can also make the knife NetworkOwnership to nil so hackers wouldnt be able to move it
Thanks but my main problem is that the knife not in front of the player
Btw i managed to fix that
I play the animation on client and check when the animation event reached
then I fire a remote event with the humanoid root parts CFrame
in server script i made the knife summon and the throw with a body velocity