I have this sliding script but I want to make it so if you are sliding down a hill/wedge you will continue sliding until you reach a flat surface.
Here is the script:
I have this sliding script but I want to make it so if you are sliding down a hill/wedge you will continue sliding until you reach a flat surface.
Here is the script:
For that you would probably need to use raycasting to find whether the partType of the part the player is ontop of is a wedge and use a for loop to continue sliding them down until the raycast says that the part underneath is no longer a wedge.
Find more here.
Alternatively, you could use the MaxSlopeAngle property of Humanoid to force them to “fall” on steep angles. If you want to play a particular animation while they are sliding, you may need to additionally apply a method like the one mentioned above to check when the player is sliding down a slope. There is no HumanoidStateType for this, so you will have to use raycasting or some other custom approach to check when they are sliding.
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