Accessory not sticking to player

I want to achieve a character customization but I’ve encountered a problem. Whenever I try to add the accessory by clicking the button it will add it to my character but not stick.

I haven’t been able to find a good enough video which would be helpful.

I’ve tried the developer hub, YouTube as well as changing the code multiple times.

	local AccessoryName = script.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Accessory").Name

	if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild(AccessoryName) then

The code above is what I’m currently using, In the past I’ve used this code and It’s worked fine. I’m sorry if the code isn’t the best I haven’t done coding in almost half a year.

I’m stumped, is anyone able to help?

Make sure your accessory is formatted properly. Please send a screenshot of the hierarchy. If it isn’t or you don’t know,
You could use the Roblox avatar plugin “Accessory Fitting Tool”

and simply insert the accessory into the character.

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