Audio from gun plays across the entire map

I have this gun system in my game, but unfortunately, every time I fire/reload/equip my weapon, the audio for it is played across the entire map and everyone in the server can hear it.

--Reload Replicated--
remotesFolder.Reload.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(reloadTime, maxAmmo)
	wasUnequipped = false
	reloading = true
	reloadAnim:Play(0, 10)
	if currentGui ~= nil and wasUnequipped == false then
		currentGui.Holder.Ammo.Text = tostring(maxAmmo).."/"..tostring(maxAmmo)
	reloading = false


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you need to parent the sound to a part or an attachement, in your case maybe the gun.
Otherwise the sound will be considered 2D sound and not 3D and will play for all players

As @Fimutsuu said, any Sound | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub not played in a Part or Attachment will be heard everywhere.

Also check your RollOffMinDistance and RollOffMaxDistance values.
I believe the default settings for the max are 10,000 studs, so try making it something like 100.