Combining Body Parts

I am attempting something where I essentially “remove” one player’s legs, and then remove the other player’s torso, head, etc., then I combine them together; one player’s legs and the other player’s upper body. I attempted to weld them together, and it works, but the character cannot move. Any idea of how I can combine the two bodies yet allow the character to move?

Can anyone help me with this??

Have you tried using ReplaceBodyPartR15()?

The problem is, that the characters are R6. Also, just replacing the body parts won’t be adequate as I want both players to control their portion of the body.

What do you mean you want both players to control their portion of the body?

Essentially, they will both be able to control the character they are combined into. The legs portion can control the whole character, and the torso portion can control the whole character. The only problem with welds is that I don’t know how to make it so the players are actually able to move because the welds prevent this for some reason.

What how can both torso and legs control the whole character choose 1 legs or torso.

I don’t think you read the post. One player will be legs only, and one player will be torso only. They will be combined into one character using a weld.

I did read i didn’t understand.

Do you mean one player can have someone else’s torso as they’re legs or
do you mean on player controls another players torso or legs or do you mean players swap a limb around with each other.

One player is legs only; they only have their legs; the other parts are transparent. One player is torso, head, and arms only; legs are transparent. They are combined into one character.

Ok so who is controlling?
The legs i assume.
and the upper body for holding tools and using them?

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Both can control the character.

As in, they both walk around and jump.

if all of them can completely control the body, why not just use make a new character which has the body parts, and then script a custom script which makes it move forward or backwards depending on remoteEvents which are then activated by inputs from both players.

Would that not make it laggy though?

yes, but I dont believe theres really any other better way

Hm, thanks for the input. I will keep trying to find a more optimized solution.

For every way you can do it, 1 person will be laggy no matter what. A custom solution is probably best for customization down the line too.

Yes, you’re right. I found a semi-efficient way that I think will be fine.