Walk shown only on local player

So im having this problem:

Basicaly when i walk in the others player screen it doesnt show the animation but with other action like sprint and crouch Idle/Walk its all normal, and its all in the same script Animate.
Can somebody help me?
If u need the script just replay and ask me.

make sure theres an Animator in the rig
you can use a check like so:

if not script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"):FindFirstChild("Animator") then
    local Animator = Instance.new("Animator")
    Animator.Parent = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

oop i did not read the question properly sorry
@MgFireDark could you show me the script? :sweat_smile:

It seems as if the animation has not loaded properly. Try reuploading the animation.

I fixed it, thank you for all your’s replay.

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