Tweening transparency of a gui simply not working

So I was trying to make a loading screen for my game (which is working fine) but when I am tweening the transparency of the loading screen gui it just doesn’t work and I don’t now why, The Parent of the script is ReplicatedFirst and the child of the script is the loading gui.

Script (Local Script):

local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
local LoadingGui = script.LoadingGui
local MainMenuGui = script.MainMenuGui


local clonedGui = LoadingGui:Clone()
clonedGui.IgnoreGuiInset = true
clonedGui.Parent = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui

if not game:IsLoaded() then

wait(1) --shorten currently

clonedGui.TextLabel.Text = "Loaded!"


TS:Create(clonedGui.LoadingFrame,, {Transparency = 1})
TS:Create(clonedGui.TextLabel,, {Transparency = 1})

You forgot to add :Play() to the end of the tweens

uh wow uhm okay am stupid lol (30wordbypass)

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