How do I get the direction the player is turning

I’m making a glider and cannot use wasd to turn so MoveDirection isn’t going to work.

How could I get the direction that the player is turning by mouse position, player rotation or currentcamera?

I will add when I do previousposition < currentposition it doesn’t work because when I get into negatives everything swaps. I’ve tried putting in if previousposition < 0 then (run the negative orientation check) but its still doing the same thing as if I hadn’t put it in.

I’ve tried previous - current < 0 or previous - current > 0 but its basically the same thing as previous < current

I’m experienced in programming so I can work with pseudo code. I just need a rough idea on how to get this done.

Thank you for your time

Have you tried using the current camera’s LookVector?

Sadly I have, When the player stops moving the camera the character stops the turning animation while they are still turning