Tween Syntax error

local Spinner = script.Parent
local TS = game:GetService(“TweenService”)
local RandomPos = math.random(1,360)

local goal = {}
goal.Orientation =,RandomPos,0)

local tweenInfo =

local tween = TS:Create(Spinner,TweenInfo,goal)


Can anyone tell me why im getting the error "Unable to cast Dictionary to TweenInfo "

You made a typo.
Make the “t” lowercase in your TS:Create() function.
So this: local tween = TS:Create(Spinner,tweenInfo,goal)

That’s isn’t the issue. The goal is properly defined. The error is with the TweenInfo.
What the person did was use “TweenInfo”, which is a namespace reserved for luau. Meanwhile his actual variable “tweenInfo” (lowercase T) is the actual tween information.

Again. You would have the same issue, since TweenInfo is not defined properly. Look at the actual Tween.
It’s not a logic mistake. It’s a simple typo. Read the message I sent above.

local Spinner = script.Parent
local TS = game:GetService(“TweenService”)
local RandomPos = math.random(1, 360)

local goal = {}
goal.Orientation =, RandomPos, 0)

local tweenInfo =

local tween = TS:Create(Spinner, tweenInfo, goal)

the issue was that you defined tweenInfo as a variable but used TweenInfo in TS:Create()

extra details
local goal = {}
goal.Orientation =, RandomPos, 0)

it would be cleaner and more optimised to define the table than setting it outside the variable

local goal = {Orientation =, RandomPos, 0)}

also, if you’re not going to use the variable tween elsewhere, it would be easier to play the tween directly with TweenService:Create():Play()

instead of defining the variables and only using it once, why don’t you just merge it together in one line?

new script:

game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(script.Parent,, {Orientation =, math.random(1, 360), 0)}:Play()

Yes i figured that out right after i posted this but ill give it to you

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