Tweening (moving) unanchored, welded part

Hello, I want to somehow be able to almost tween an unanchored, welded part.

Here is an example with a button, this button will be, say, welded to a moving vehicle somewhere unanchored using weldconstraints, I know you can’t tween unanchored parts but I need to achieve a similar effect to tweening but I have no clue how to do it.

I need to be able to push this button in a tween-like way while still being unanchored, are there any ways to do this? i’ve heard of bodymovers but apparently they are deprecated and I don’t know how to use them.


The button was just an example, I need to be able to do this for a multitude of different things.

I have researched on the dev forum several posts regarding somehow being able to ‘move’ unanchored parts but I have come to no avail sadly.

I don’t even know where to start, i’ve tried no solutions because i’ve see no solutions to this problem.

Any help is appreciated.

There might be better way, but you can weld by Motor6D and then tween C1/C0 property (which is a CFrame)


Wow, surprisingly this works! Thanks! (atleast for non-moving parts)

Here is the code for anyone who is struggling with the same problem

local TweenService = game:GetService('TweenService')

local model = script.Parent
local Button = model.Button
local motor6d = Button.Motor6D

-- I apologize for my sorta messy code, was making a quick script to test if this worked

	TweenService:Create(motor6d,,{C0 =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0)}):Play()
	TweenService:Create(motor6d,,{C0 =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0)}):Play()

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