Hello, im trying to get the player with the most value in the server .
Here is what im doing so far
local Winner =
local dancingWinner = player.Character
dancingWinner.Parent = game.Workspace
dancingWinner.Name = "Winner"
dancingWinner.HumanoidRootPart.Position = workspace.tpPart.Position
local dance = dancingWinner:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(script.Animation)
dance.Looped = true
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You can do this fairly easy by going over all the players and returning the player with the highest value.
local Winner,highest = nil,0
for _,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
local v = plr.leaderstats.Coins.Value --change this to the path from your player to their value
if v>highest then
Make sure you change the local v =
to the correct value you want to check from the player.
it gives me an error with Winner,highest = nil,0
Please show me the error that youâre seeing in the output
i think its a missing )
but i dont know where is it
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Oops, my bad, please remove the ) at the end of the code snippet I sent you.
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Okay im gonna try that out thanks !
It works but, when i try to get the character it says âServerScriptService.GameHandler:107: attempt to index nil with âCharacterââ
Nevermind nvm thats just a me problem
its pretty unrelated but how do i put every player in a table?
Well you can use table.insert
for that, but you can also just get a table with all players by doing
i did, but it prints out âtable: 0x1488bf4b468ce07aâ
by the way when i try to name the player character winner it says âThe current thread cannot set âCharacterâs nameâ (lacking capability WritePlayer)â i never saw that before
Your script can read the table, but if you want to print the table out youâll have to do it for each object one by one.
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
Instead of doing Character.Name=
, try Character.Humanoid.DisplayName=
i specially wanted to change the model name to avoid any bugs
With all due respect, you will encounter more bugs if you choose to rename the character itself, I highly recommend just changing the displayname. If you need to check wether the character is the winner, donât use the name for that, just either give it a BoolValue
set to true with the name âWinnerâ, or add a new boolvalue attribute to the character with the name âWinnerâ, also set to true. (option 1 is much easier)