Fragmented Obby

Hi! :wave:. For one of my in-game levels i wanted to create special obby :thinking:, and i found what i wanted in this video :bulb::

I just want to know :sweat_smile: how did he made this perfect object slicing and this smooth animations :star_struck:

There is a resource how to actually do that it’s called CSG, and those smooth animations can be made by tweenservices.

If you’re some sort of a beginner, I recommend making simple obbies first and step by step learning new stuff.

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For the video editing, you could use the CSG with the SubtractAsync function, and for the animations, all you need is a tween service. If you want to learn more about CSG, perhaps this video will be helpful. The video shows how to cut components using tools, but you can achieve the same results with some simple math. Wishing you luck, Hot_Coder.

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