Using the ‘Layout Order’ property, How can I arrange items in the order of largest to smallest? eg (540, 320, 77, 10) rather then it being the other way around. I feel like the answer is pretty obvious but Its 1am and I cant think of one.
You’ll need to go through each frame and change their layout order manually
The only way to flip it automatically, is to program a quick script to descending order by taking max layout order and removing current layout order.
Basically here is a quick code to do it for you:
for _, frame in pairs(scrollingframe:GetChildren()) do
if frame["LayoutOrder"] then
frame.LayoutOrder = #scrollingFrame:GetChildren() - frame.LayoutOrder
I’m kind of lost, manually would not be possible since it’s the players values I’m trying to sort haha but Im not sure I understand fully what your script is actually doing.
Basically lets say you have a frame on 520 but there is 590 frames.
We then do this to find its descending order: 590 - 520 = 70
It’ll then mark it as the 70th frame which is its correct order for descending.
Ohh yep I get it now thanks, I’ll give it a try in the morning and mark you as a solution.
Another solution you can try if you’re struggling to understand the previous one is to use table.sort;
local myArray = ScrollingFrame:GetChildren()
You can read this sort function as "if a's LayoutOrder is greater
than b's LayoutOrder then a should come before b."
table.sort(myArray, function(a, b)
if not a:IsA("GuiObject") then -- making sure our instance has "LayoutOrder"
return false -- if no layoutorder, send to the end
return a.LayoutOrder > b.LayoutOrder
Now that we've sorted the array and we know it is in order from largest
to smallest, we can assign each object a new LayoutOrder to apply it to
the UIListLayout.
for index, value in myArray do
if myArray[index]:IsA("GuiObject") then
myArray[index].LayoutOrder = index
have it returns a > b or b > a to sort from largest to smallest and smallest to largest
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