Error code 773 after teleporting

Im using a script that teleports you to another game when you touch it. except when it teleports, it gives me this error. i think its the script thats causing the issue:
its not restricted in any way. and yes, i made the place on the assets manager.
btw it waits 58 seconds because it will wait for a cutscene to finish.

Is the place where you teleport published? (Also for Touched, you should make a debounce)

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yep, its published. but i dont know that much coding to make a debounce.

Place these things at the right order

-- variable
local debounce = false

-- before waiting the 58 seconds
if debounce then return end

-- after waiting the 58 seconds
debounce = true

-- after Teleport
wait(10) -- change this to how many you like
debounce = false

WAIT, I made a mistake, the

debounce = true

comes right after the if statement
Sorry about that

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