How to do i make image not rotate around when moving using a radar UI

Hey! I’m currently working on a radar for my game where you get chased around by JPEG’s. I got some help from a devforum post when it comes to scripting the radar as i haven’t done that before. It works, but i’m quite unsure on how i would make the dot move without it rotating. I have a imagelabel inside the dot’s and it keeps rotating it, making it hard for players to see which nextbot it is. Do you guys know how i would stop the rotating? Here’s the part that changes the dot position:

	myBlip.Position = - Pos5.X) * scale + 0.5, 0, (Pos2D.Y - Pos5.Y) * scale + 0.5, 0)

Pos2D is the player’s humanoidrootpart, and Pos5 is the position off the nextbot’s humanoidrootpart.
