Text Typing Animation

Hello guys! I’m wondering how to make a loop that displays letter by letter at a set speed. Simple request. If anyone knows how, thanks. (I’m not too experienced, but thank you)


Hey buddy!
Just do this:

local Counter = 1
local String = "Some Text!"
local TextLabel = workspace.Part.SurfaceGui.TextLabel -- Remeber to choose an instance to store the text propertie and not the text propertie itself!
for number = 1,string.len(String) do
	TextLabel.Text = TextLabel.Text..String:sub(Counter,Counter)
	Counter += 1
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string.sub(string, position, position) is probably what you are looking for


If you’re gonna be doing what the others have suggested, make sure you don’t do this naively with RichText. If its typing out rich text itll show the “<b>” for example, without making the text bold until it’s done the end </b>.

Personnaly, i use TextLabel.Text, i never used RichText

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