What are some ways i can learn to script as a beginner

What are some ways i can learn to script as a beginner

  1. Look into Documentation
    Documentation contains a lot of useful information about Properties, Services,and a few Tutorials that teachthe fundamentals of Roblox’s Scripting Language (Luau)

  2. Ask the DevForum
    The DevForum has a Gategory for Scipting Support, here you can ask for help with your code, and people will do what they can to assist you.

  3. View Tutorials
    Tutorials may teach you how certain things work, and how you can create something out of it, they can be pretty useful but do not trust them completely, as they can be outdated, and contain oldinformation.


I know stuff like, variables, printing, functions, properties evet but i cant like make a game out of it. Any suggestions on how i can apply knowledge to make a simple simulator like game?

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What I would suggest is to start with the basic part of the simulator, with the stuff you understand how to make, and then move on to the rest, like the more Advanced stuff (aka the things that are harder to make). This will make things easy when programmming things in general, but Programming is a Trail and Error process, so if you make a mistake, or get stuck on something, its fine, happens to everyone all the time.


Oh yeah, i understand. As im more of a scripter than a builder is it ok to use free models, or no?

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Not all the time, its ok to use free models, but when using them, I recommend you look into how they work (if they have scripts), but be careful, as they can contain viruses.

If you do use them, dont paste them everywhere, then it would just make your game look weird.

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Watch TheDevKing’s beginner and advanced scripting tutorials. Also, look at free model scripts to try and get an understanding of how they work. The documentation and devforum work well whenever you have an issue.


Arent those years old now?

Its not really recommended to trust very old tutorials, considering how fast roblox creates updates, and how many things have been replaced.

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So for youtube whats a good, easy to understand videos to watch?

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It covers almost every major category of scripting and keeps it simple. After his tutorials and little bit of testing out, I can make anything I want on Roblox.

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Using his tutorials how long would it take to make a basic simulator game?

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Well, if you want to watch all the tutorials it would take maybe 1-2 months to UNDERSTAND them. If not, you can kinda pick out which ones you think you will need.


So did you say theres both a beginner and advanced? Would it be wise to do about 2 vids a day, and then practise them?


Yeah. Just make sure you understand the video topic fully before moving onto the next

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