here is my code:
local function lerpGeneral(Object,TargetSize,Time)
local Ogscale = Object
local StartTime = os.clock()
local ScaleDiff = TargetSize-Ogscale
local Hb Hb = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function()
local ElapsedTime = os.clock() - StartTime
local Alpha = ElapsedTime/Time
if Alpha >= 1 then
Object = TargetSize
local ScaleN = Ogscale + (ScaleDiff * Alpha)
Object = ScaleN
local WDrone = dispIece.CenterOut.WarblingDrone
lerpGeneral(WDrone.PitchShiftSoundEffect.Octave, 2, 5)
its supposed to gradually increase the octave of the PitchShiftSoundEffect until it gets to a specified value.
I think its because the sound:play() isnt being called inside of the lerp but if it was I would need to crate a brand new lerp for each time I need something like this done. it would no longer be lerpGeneral
I should mention that the lerp works, and there are no errors. If I put a print(Object) after Object = ScaleN I can see the size gradually increasing.
If anyone could help while keeping the lerpGeneral intact that would be fantastic thanks