Problem with CanCollide and Anchored

I’m making a gun in roblox studio but the bullets aren’t anchored and CanCollide is set to false because I am using the object LinearVelocity.
But it get deleted after few seconds. How can I fix this ?
I looked on the internet and found nothing, I tried debugging but I couldn’t patch the problem.

Is it possible to resolve this problem ?

thank you

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Do you have the gun’s bullet held on a wait() function and after a bit destroy it? Or do destroy the bullet after it collides with something?

No, I didn’t script for it to be destroy after some time.

I think the problem come from roblox, if you have a CanCollide part false and not anchored, it get destroy after few seconds but i want to disable that

Could I please see your gun script?

Yes, careful it’s not optimised or very readable because it’s only basics test, there are also few bugs.

Here it is :

local RP = game.ReplicatedStorage

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local FireEvent = RP.Tools.Gun.Shoot

local Gun = workspace.Tools.Gun

FireEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, targetPos)
	local Character = player.Character
	local ActualGun = Character:FindFirstChild(Gun.Name)
	if not ActualGun then return end
	local CurrentAmmo = ActualGun:GetAttribute("Ammo")
	if CurrentAmmo == 0 then print("out of ammo") return end
	local BulletSpeed = 1
	--Actual logic :
	print("mouse hit : ",targetPos)
	local Bullet = RP.Tools.Gun.BulletModel:Clone()
	local EndCanon = ActualGun.EndCanon
	Bullet.Parent = workspace
	local Direction = (targetPos - EndCanon.Position).unit
	local Orientation = CFrame.New(Bullet.Position, Bullet.Position + Direction)
	Bullet.CFrame = Orientation
	Bullet.Position = EndCanon.Position
	local Attachment ="Attachment", Bullet)
	local LinearVelocity ="LinearVelocity", Bullet)
	LinearVelocity.Attachment0 = Attachment
	LinearVelocity.VectorVelocity = Direction * BulletSpeed
	LinearVelocity.Enabled = false
	Bullet.Anchored = false
	Bullet.CanCollide = false
	print("orientation and direction : ",Orientation," - ",Direction)
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The bullets are probably falling through the world and hitting the deletion zone before you move them. I can see that the linearvelocity is disabled when you unanchor them and uncancollide them so, theres nothing to hold them in the world. They’re just going to fall because of gravity.

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To fix this issue, you can use a BodyPosition object instead of LinearVelocity. BodyPosition will keep the bullet in the game until it hits a target or reaches its destination.

FireEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, targetPos)
	local Character = player.Character
	local ActualGun = Character:FindFirstChild(Gun.Name)
	if not ActualGun then return end
	local CurrentAmmo = ActualGun:GetAttribute("Ammo")
	if CurrentAmmo == 0 then print("out of ammo") return end
	local BulletSpeed = 1
	--Actual logic :
	print("mouse hit : ",targetPos)
	local Bullet = RP.Tools.Gun.BulletModel:Clone()
	local EndCanon = ActualGun.EndCanon
	Bullet.Parent = workspace
	local Direction = (targetPos - EndCanon.Position).unit
	local Orientation = CFrame.New(Bullet.Position, Bullet.Position   Direction)
	Bullet.CFrame = Orientation
	Bullet.Position = EndCanon.Position
	local BodyPos ="BodyPosition", Bullet)
	BodyPos.Position = targetPos
	BodyPos.MaxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
	Bullet.Anchored = false
	Bullet.CanCollide = true

In this code, I replaced the LinearVelocity object with a BodyPosition object. The BodyPosition object will apply a force to the bullet to move it towards the target position. The MaxForce property is set to a very high value to ensure the bullet moves at a fast speed. I also set CanCollide to true so the bullet will interact with other objects in the game.


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