ApplyImpulse feels slow [2.5D Fighting Game]

Hello everyone, I am writing about a specific situation that I am currently facing. I’m trying to make a 2.5D Fighting game and is currently struggling with the knockback system. Now for clarification, the knockback DOES WORK but it doesn’t look well visually.

What do I mean by this?

Well take a look at the footage and see for yourself.

Notice on how one side, the knockback is instantaneously whilst the other is sort of sliding backwards? How can I make it so that both sides have that instantaneous feel.

Source Code:

local force = 25 * oppositePlayerHumanoidRootPart.AssemblyMass

game.ReplicatedStorage.Shared.SyncClientImpulse:FireClient(oppositePlayer, -oppositePlayerHRP.CFrame.LookVector*force)

This is happening server-side after the player successfully lands a hit.

local Shared = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shared

Shared.SyncClientImpulse.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Direction: Vector3)

This is happening client-side.

Any help would be appreciated!!

You didn’t provide any code for us to help you.

Thank you for pointing this out, I’ve just updated my post.

Unrelated to your current problem
That moves the player on one client and not all clients so it’s better to do FireAllClients() so it appears for everyone

Are you sure this calculation is the same as the one done on the main client? Why don’t u pass the value from the main client to the server and to all other clients? Maybe that will make it more accurate?

I’ve tried to pass -oppositePlayerHRP.CFrame.LookVector*force to the server, but when I do it pulls the opponent forwards rather than backwards, I think it has to do with when the vector3 was initialized in memory, then sent to the server.

FireAllClients wouldn’t make sense due to ApplyImpulse being a client-only function, it wouldn’t make sense for me to also ApplyImpulse to the other player as the main client as it wouldn’t work.

Looking back at the videos attached, I think that problem is actually with the time of playing animations and not ApplyImpulse. You can see that the animations start at different times, if that isn’t the problem then I have no other solutions.

Actually I think I found the solution, I figured if I set the networkOwnership of the humanoidrootpart of the player, I can call applyImpulse on the attacking client’s side and that will be in sync for both players.

Who will be the new owner exactly? I didn’t quite get what you said but let me know if it worked.

Mb, new owner will be the attacking client. And after the attacked player has recovered then the attacked player’s ownership will be reset

You can try that but it will change inputs and that split second of attack could feel “weird” for the player.