Help with Flashlight Tween

Hello, I made a ViewModel flashlight item and when somebody turns on the flashlight, it tweens into the frame. The problem with this is that when a player moves the camera or their position, it still tweens in the original position.

I know that I need to somehow incorporate the tween within the loop but I have no idea how to do so.

Flashlight.CFrame = camera.CFrame *, -2.5, 0)
	local Tween = TS:Create(Flashlight,, Enum.EasingStyle.Back, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), {CFrame = camera.CFrame * Offset})
    FlashlightSway:BindToRenderStep("Flashlight", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value, function()
	     Part.CFrame = camera.CFrame
	     local lightAngle = camera.CFrame.Rotation
	     currentRotation = currentRotation:Lerp(camera.CFrame, dampeningFactor)
	     Part.CFrame = currentRotation

You could try updating the flashlight tween position constantly:

Flashlight.CFrame = camera.CFrame *, -2.5, 0)

local PR = game:GetService("RunService").PreRender:Connect(function()

	local Tween = TS:Create(Flashlight,, Enum.EasingStyle.Back, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), {CFrame = camera.CFrame * Offset})


local CancelThread = coroutine.create(function()

task.wait(.5) -- whatever time you see fit.


    FlashlightSway:BindToRenderStep("Flashlight", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value, function()
	     Part.CFrame = camera.CFrame
	     local lightAngle = camera.CFrame.Rotation
	     currentRotation = currentRotation:Lerp(camera.CFrame, dampeningFactor)
	     Part.CFrame = currentRotation



Sorry I am late, what does PreRender do? Or is it self explanitory

This does not work either. It still plays the tween at the last position

PreRender is the new RenderStepped, i should have explained that beforehand.

The way i fixed was using playing a animation instead of a tween, i’ll do more research and see if tweening can work though.

I used animations and it does work, but now it causes a weird visual bug that jitters into place a few millisecond after the animation loads.

Flashlight.PrimaryPart.CFrame = (camera.CFrame * Offset)
local LoadedAnimation = animationController:LoadAnimation(Animation)
FlashlightSway:BindToRenderStep("Flashlight", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value, function()
	Part.CFrame = camera.CFrame
	local lightAngle = camera.CFrame.Rotation
	currentRotation = currentRotation:Lerp(camera.CFrame, dampeningFactor)
	Part.CFrame = currentRotation

now this comes down to personal preference but i use Exponential Out, this make the animation instantly play while still being smooth.

Same thing sadly, let me try making a new temporary connection that changes the offset to something lower out of view, then after the animation I just disconnect and use the renderedstepped bind

i’ll have to test my own viewmodel to see why this is happening.

I tried loading the animation with replicated first, still nothing

You could try making a fake transition inside a ViewportFrame and then hide it and show the actual flashlight, don’t know if that’ll work though.

you may be onto something bro!

I hope so. (Character Limit lol)

Preload the animations, this fixed this bug for me many other times.

Use ContentProvider

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If you say so! (Chjaracter limit!)

Actually this doesn’t work, even when the animation is pre-loaded or loaded it will still have that nanosecond visual bug