How to fix my spawn animation snapping to position?

I wanted to add a spawn animation for my game however its not working properly.

When I play the game, everything works fine however the player snaps to the laying down position and then the animation plays. How would I be able to make the player spawn in, already idling in a laying down position, and then play the getup animation?

I’ve looked around the forums however I cant find much that could help me.

(Im using a clip from actual gameplay because its less laggy and easier to see the issue.)

Basically the player spawns in, already standing up, and then quickly snaps to laying down and getting up through the animation. How would I make it so the player is already laying down when they start the game?

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This is the script I’m working with


The actual script is fine but I just need to know how I can make the player spawn, already idling in a laying down position.

You just need to stop the laying down animation before calling the new spawn animation

Ill try something like that but Im sure if I understand correctly.

I want the player to spawn in, already laying down. It seems the character HAS to load in the animation in the few seconds the player is loading in the game, where it snaps in place.