I have tried several methods of printing the rotation of a part or model, none of them have worked
now heres an example:
local x, y, z = workspace.Car.WorldPivot.Rotation:ToOrientation()
print(math.deg(x), math.deg(y), math.deg(z))
it just returns 0
and here too:
local x = workspace.musicPart.CFrame.XVector.X
local z = workspace.musicPart.CFrame.XVector.Z
they print some long numbers but its always 1 or 0 idk
and here:
local x = workspace.musicPart.CFrame.X
local z = workspace.musicPart.CFrame.Z
and here i get 0 too:
local x = workspace.musicPart.Rotation.X
local z = workspace.musicPart.Rotation.Z
same as here:
local x = workspace.musicPart.Orientation.X
local z = workspace.musicPart.Orientation.Z
they all don’t print the rotation, ive been struggling for around 2 hours and i can’t figure it out, but they do work if i rotate them before test playing, but if i rotate them in the game nothing happens. please i need help!
no, i dont know but im trying to make like a system if the car is flipped that it rotates but ignore that, im focusing on how i could print the rotation of the car, but they print 0
I need the rotation angles so i can flip the car if the angle is above 45 or under -45
if theres a different method than rotation so the car gets back up with bodygyro tell me
Actually the issue might be world pivot. I’m not sure if it actually takes rotations of the parts within the model into account. If you have a primary part inside the model, it may be better to use GetPrimaryPartCFrame instead for reading the models cframe
but it gives me these numbers: -16.3778706, 3.92321491, 167.306717, 0.999997079, 0.0016545197, 0.00172889291, -0.00165881298, 0.99999553, 0.0024848457, -0.00172479253, -0.00248770649, 0.99999541
the numbers -16.3778706, 3.92321491, 167.306717 is the position of the part it printed that out but how do i print the rotation?
local orientation_angle = math.acos(workspace.Car:GetPrimaryPartCFrame().UpVector:Dot(Vector3.yAxis))
if (orientation_angle > math.pi/4) then
--flip car