For a 2d game, how do I not let players go off the map?

I’m making a 2d game but I don’t want the players to fall of the map from somehow moving forward or backward. I’m thinking just putting a barrier but I feel like that’s not how you’re supposed to do it. Is there any way to do this? Thanks.

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One way to do it is by lowering their walkSpeed the closer they get to the edge (once they reach a close enough point), but only lower it when they’re heading towards the edge after a close point, and return their speed to normal when walking in the opposite direction. You can do this by setting the point that you want to be considered the edge of the map, and another one like 5 studs away from the edge. When they reach the 2nd one you’ve set, start lowering their walkspeed whenever their moveDirection is in the direction of the edge of the map, and return it to normal whenever it’s not. The speed should gradually be slower the closer they are to the edge, eventually coming to 0 right at the edge.

It depends on the kind of game you’re making and the game design decisions you want to make.

In an old Mario game, you wouldn’t be able to walk to the left at all. And, when walking to the right, the screen would ‘scroll’ over to the next part of the map. You may not want this however. You might want players to be able to move left and right freely, in the situation that the camera is based on the player and there is room for the camera to move based on the player moving.

You could also have the camera be room-based, like the old MegaMan games do. Or, a mix of a moving room-based cameras and stationary room-based cameras:

Ultimately, you’re going to need barriers for where the camera can/can’t go, or more accurately, where the player can/can’t go. I’d make an invisible wall on the screen edges and make the camera tween where it needs to go to make the player near the center of the players screen.

What the camera is/does depends on if the game is truly in 2d, being made up of frames/UI elements, or if it is 2d in 3d, using Roblox’s built-in camera system.

Anyhow, this might be too much info. :sweat_smile:

Yeah I would just put invisible walls up but you could try to change the player’s controls. What I mean by this is to only let them walk forward or backward.

I had this script for a 2d cam that is supposed to moving forward and back but its a little buggy

local Camera = workspace.Camera

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character

local ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService")
Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable


	local offset =, 4, -30)
	Camera.CFrame ="HumanoidRootPart").Position + offset, Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position)

hope that works