CanCollide Problem

Hello, can someone help me? I have a default R6 rig in replicated storage, and I made the CanCollide = false for the rig, but when I clone the rig from replicated storage to the player’s location, I can’t go throw it. Does the CanCollide set back to true?

local StarPlatinum = rp:FindFirstChild("SP")
if StarPlatinum then
	local copy = StarPlatinum:Clone()
	copy.Parent = workspace

	local humanoidCopy = copy:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

Is every part in the rig set to CanCollide = false? If so, maybe try setting every part in the rig to CanCollide false after you’ve cloned it

Using CanCollide might make your rig go through the ground (if the rig is not anchored).
Try CollisionGroup instead

How does a collide group work?
please tell me

I tried but it did not work. Idk what problem

Basically it control how a group should collide another group or not
for example: if you make “Player” group can not collide with “Rig” group then any parts with “Player” group can not collide with any parts with “Rig” group by any chance even with CanCollide on or not (Touched function still work)

To do this simply go to tab Model → Advanced → CollsionGroup
There you can create groups and setting their collision (It shouldn’t be too hard to understand)

To set part’s CollisionGroup you just need to set it in part’s properties and find the CollisionGroup
Or if you want to set it by script you can just do

part.CollisionGroup = "Your_Group_Name"

If you still not understand from what i inform you then you can check the documentation:

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