Build system snap issue

How could I fix this snapping issue? I’ve searched for solutions already but there’s not much on this type of stuff

local foundprimarypart = snaptoattachment.Parent.Parent.PrimaryPart
local cframe = foundprimarypart.CFrame *
local orientation = foundprimarypart.Orientation


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Where are your Attachments?
If they are at the center of the model you need to move the placement 1/2 the x, y, or z Size (whichever axis the model is facing) of the one item PLUS 1/2 the x, y, or z Size of the 2nd item to get the CFrame Position to place the 2nd model at.

Managed to fix it myself, was pretty simple, thanks for the reply anyway

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Please post how you fixed it and mark that post as the Solution.
If you don’t other people only read your first post and then just keep trying to fix it.
It also helps other people when they search the forums and see how you fixed it.

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