Issue with :fireallclients()

Trying to make an objective system however whenever I want to fire the event to change the text, there’s no errors but whenever I get to the firing part it doesn’t do anything.

Obj1 = ObjectiveSystem.Create("Make the call for help!")

local Objectives = game.Workspace.GameObjects.Objectives
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes:WaitForChild("Objectives")
	script.Parent.ObjectiveFrame.Objective.Text = "Complete"..ObjectiveName
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It should be FireAllClients() instead of FireAllClients

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local Objectives = game.Workspace.GameObjects.Objectives
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes:WaitForChild("OnClientObjectiveEvent")

    Objectives.ObjectiveFrame.Objective.Text = "Complete " .. ObjectiveName

local Obj1 = "Make the call for help!"
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thats what i did, theres no difference between my code and yours besides the

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The task.wait is suspicious to me, if your .OnClinetEvent isn’t connected on time it won’t recieve events. Does your remote fire near the start of the game?

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its the first event of the game as they load in yes

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Then you certainly need to remove the task.wait(1). If possible remove the :WaitForChild for :FindFirstChild, any remote event that should be instantly listening must have no yeilding functions before it’s connection.

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It takes quite a while for local scripts to initialize before server scripts, by average, after two or three seconds after loading in they’ll be initialized right after.

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Even when true the local scripts can accept any events fired from a OnPlayerAdded connection. So long as local script do not have yielding functions like ask.wait or :WaitForChild before connection.

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I noticed that it’d be better to move the task.wait() from the local script to the server script.

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still having the same issues while following your steps, remove all waits as well

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just fixed it myself, thanks for the help though.

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