Render an User Interface without load the player character


So here’s what I am dealing with.

On my game design, the very first 2 steps a player must take, before start to play are:

1st - Choose a Team (Red or Blue)
2nd - Choose a Class (which also includes how the character will look like among other things).

In order for the player to go through these 2 different User Interfaces and, because the player character look and feel will change depending on his choice on step 2, I can’t load the character automatically, so on Players I disabled CharacterAutoLoads.

What is happening now when I try to test, is that the player appears under Player, the PlayerGui is there as a child of player, but none of the StarterGUI’s get loaded, making my game design impossible to be implemented, since the User Interfaces don’t exist.

I’m pretty sure there must a way around it or some of ui faced something similar and I would really appreciate any help.



Check this thread out and see if it helps:

I just tested it in a new studio instance and it worked.

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Problem solved :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reference to the post.


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