How to make path from certain points

I want to make an auto-generated path from certain points that are spaced out. I don’t know how to and I need help.

I have been using a plugin to do it manually but I want a way to do it with a script. Where can I start?

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Are you talking about a path that would be similar to one that a pathfinding NPC would make towards a player?

No, I want I path made from parts that are all the same size. But l want It to automatically fill the path from parts already placed down by me.

Paths like for NPC walking or paths like connecting dots?

I was asking if you wanted a pathfinding path, as in it will find a path around walls and whatnot. So just as you asked. However, I am working on a script to do it if they don’t want that lol.

I want a path made out of parts like this that is auto generated from just a few parts.

You could use curves. I would recommend a Bezier curve the most, but a rotation curve should do it as well.

Random video I found lol:

You could probably find a way to generate parts along the curve.

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I would say to just keep using a plugin to do it manually so you can get the exact path shape you want. It is a bit repetitive, but probably the easiest way, rather than making a script to automatically do it.

I would recommend using the Archimedes plugin and the ResizeAlign plugin if you haven’t tried them yet.

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